Courses Details

Protractor Training Course Details

Protractor Training

About Protractor Training

Protractor is an end to end testing framework specially designed to perform automation testing on AngularJS based web applications. Protractor API works as a wrapper over the most powerful Selenium WebDriver API and is built on top of WebDriverJS that uses native events and browser-specific drivers to interact with the web-based application as a normal user would do.

Protractor Training Curriculum


  • Pre-requisites
  • Installing JDK AND Node.JS
  • Installing Protractor on Windows
  • Sublime Test IDE and Configuring build
  • Running the first Protractor Test
  • Installing Eclipse and Turn Plug-

Protractor Basics

  • Selenium Web Drive vs. Protractor
  • Architecture
  • Understanding the Conf.js file
  • Understanding Describe and It blocks and
    wriKng test cases
  • Adding validaKons using Jasmine Expect

Jasmine Basics

    • IntroducKon to jasmine and basic features
    • BeforeEach and ANerEach
    • Expect toBe and not toBe
    • Expect toEqual toMatch and toEqual
    • CreaKng Test Suites and running

selecKve / all test cases

  • About Angular Js Locators
  • By Model, By ClassName By BuSonText
  • By Binding, By ID
  • By Repeater
  • By Add locators
  • Select Wrapper Class
  • GeneraKng Logs
  • GeneraKng Jasmine2 HTML Reports
  • GeneraKng Allure Reports
  • Installing Maven and GeneraKng HTML



  • Understanding Package.json file and its
    Usage Data Driven Testing
  • Reading data and locators through JSON
  • ParameterizaKon using Jasmine Data
  • Reading Excel files

E2E testing on AngularJS Banking Application

  • AutomaKng Customer Login
  • AutomaKng Bank Manager Login

Page Object Model – Framework (Live Project)

    • AutomaKng Customer Login
    • IntroducKon To pages object Model
    • CreaKng Architecture and adding business


  • Adding More Business Pages and Test Cases
  • Adding the Page object design paSers
  • Adding common JSON file for locator and test Data


Handling Non-Angular Elements

  • AutomaKng a Login Window
  • Handing Tabs and popup

Jenkins – CI

  • IntroducKon to Jenkins
  • Jenkins ConfiguraKon
  • Understanding the Conf.js file