About Protractor Training
Protractor is an end to end testing framework specially designed to perform automation testing on AngularJS based web applications. Protractor API works as a wrapper over the most powerful Selenium WebDriver API and is built on top of WebDriverJS that uses native events and browser-specific drivers to interact with the web-based application as a normal user would do.
Protractor Training Curriculum
- Pre-requisites
- Installing JDK AND Node.JS
- Installing Protractor on Windows
- Sublime Test IDE and Configuring build
- Running the first Protractor Test
- Installing Eclipse and Turn Plug-
Protractor Basics
- Selenium Web Drive vs. Protractor
- Architecture
- Understanding the Conf.js file
- Understanding Describe and It blocks and
wriKng test cases
- Adding validaKons using Jasmine Expect
Jasmine Basics
- IntroducKon to jasmine and basic features
- BeforeEach and ANerEach
- Expect toBe and not toBe
- Expect toEqual toMatch and toEqual
- CreaKng Test Suites and running
selecKve / all test cases
- About Angular Js Locators
- By Model, By ClassName By BuSonText
- By Binding, By ID
- By Repeater
- By Add locators
- Select Wrapper Class
- GeneraKng Logs
- GeneraKng Jasmine2 HTML Reports
- GeneraKng Allure Reports
- Installing Maven and GeneraKng HTML
- Understanding Package.json file and its
Usage Data Driven Testing
- Reading data and locators through JSON
- ParameterizaKon using Jasmine Data
- Reading Excel files
E2E testing on AngularJS Banking Application
- AutomaKng Customer Login
- AutomaKng Bank Manager Login
Page Object Model – Framework (Live Project)
- AutomaKng Customer Login
- IntroducKon To pages object Model
- CreaKng Architecture and adding business
- Adding More Business Pages and Test Cases
- Adding the Page object design paSers
- Adding common JSON file for locator and test Data
Handling Non-Angular Elements
- AutomaKng a Login Window
- Handing Tabs and popup
Jenkins – CI
- IntroducKon to Jenkins
- Jenkins ConfiguraKon
- Understanding the Conf.js file