Courses Details

Devops Training Course Details

Devops Training

About DevOps Training in Hyderabad

The DevOps training program of MindQ aims at providing knowledge on the concepts of all the DevOps tools that include Git, Ansible, Jenkins, Puppet, Kubernetes, Nagios and Kubernetes. By the end of the course, you will get thorough knowledge on continuous integration, virtualization, configuration management that are various aspects of software development and operations. This is specially designed in a way to make the learners into certified practitioner through the various tasks that will be needed for software development life cycle.

DevOps Training in Hyderabad Curriculum

•What is DevOps
•Dev and Ops activities
•Scope of DevOps
•Tools to achieve DevOps process
•Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps engineer

Overview about


DevOps on cloud computing and virtualization
Containership tool in DevOps model
Career on DevOps



  • Introduction about version control system?
  • Difference between Central & Distributed Version control
  • Git software download and installation with configuration.
  • Git Architecture
  • Git change flow with
  • About bitbucket &
  • Repository creation on GitHub and bitbucket and play on
  • Exercise: Performing a local Git workflow
  • Exercise: Working with a (local) remote repository
  • Git Branching Strategy, Gittags, git diff
  • Comparing changes
  • Stashing changes on Git
  • Resetting changes with git reset
  • Deleting changes in the working tree and staging area for tracked files
  • Retrieving files from the history
  • Revert commits
  • Merging&Rebasing branches and Solving merge conflicts
  • Editing history with the interactive rebase
  • Using the Git cherry-pick command
  • Define alias
  • Migrating from SVN


  • Introduction about Build process & build
  • Installing & configuration about Ant
  • Ant concepts and terminologies
  • Working with Ant
  • Ant Tasks
  • Automating your build and testing through Ant tasks
  • Using Ant for automated deployment
  • Creating Custom Ant tasks


  • Introduction to Apache Maven
  • Installing and Running Apache Maven
  • Getting Started With Maven
  • Terminology & POM structure
  • Creating Archetypes (Standard java project, web project, multi module project)
  • Commonly Used Plugins
  • Writing Plugins (Maven)
  • Repository Management
  • Release Management
  • Maven integration with eclipse or other IDE’s
  • Sonarqube integration with
  • Nexus &Artifactory integration with
  • Deployment on


  • Introduction on Code Analysis & Code coverage & code Review
  • Download & installation & configuration about sonarqube
  • Quality gates & threshold values
  • About code rule
  • Customize & creating new code rule
  • Integratin sonar with maven & Jenkins.

SonaTypeNexus &Jfrog Artifactory

  • What is Binary repository & why it is required.
  • Download & install & configure Nexus &artifactory tools.
  • How to configure snapshot & release
  • How to create customize
  • Nexus &artifactory repositories Integration with maven &


  • Introduction of Unix
  • Installation
  • Boot Procedure and kernel parameters
  • file systems hierarchy
  • Basic commands
  • Software management
  • User and Group administration
  • Managing file systems and partitions
  • Network Configuration and Troubleshooting
  • Firewalls
  • Webserver

Shell Script

  • Introduction of UNIX Shell
  • Shell input & output
  • Variables
  • Operators
  • Conditional Code
  • Loops
  • Text processing


  • Introduction about CI/CD/CD (Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment / Continuous Delivery)
  • History of Jenkins
  • Download & installing & configuring Jenkins various methods.
  • Setup Security
  • Email and Version Control
  • Master/slave configurations
  • Creating & configuring & run a Jenkins job
  • Running job manually and automated with schedule & poll
  • All configurations & features under MANAGE JENKINS
  • Monitoring External jobs
  • Creating build & deploy pipelines
  • Jenkins pipeline as a
  • Master & slave

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • AWS Management Console
  • AWS Architecture
  • Setting up of the AWS Account
  • Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS
  • AWS Storage Services: S3
  • Amazon Cloud Watch
  • ELB
  • AutoScaling
  • IAM
  • RDS
  • Dynamo DB
  • AWS Cloud Front
  • Cloud Formation
  • SNS
  • VPC
  • Route53


  • Introduction about traditional server architecture & Virtual
  • Introduction to Docker and its architecture with underlying
  • About docker
  • Docker download & installation &
  • About images, containers and play around on
  • Docker machine.
  • Docker volumes
  • Docker networking
  • Docker port binding
  • Docker file/build.
  • Docker composes
  • Docker swarm
  • Dockerizingthe applications


  • Downloading & installing kubernates
  • Creating kubernates jobs, pods, deployments and services.
  • Storage: volumes and persistent storage
  • Load balancing & input


  • Introduction about configuration management & infrastructure management
  • Introduction to ansible
  • Downloading & installation & configuration
  • About inventory with host &
  • About ansible playbooks
  • Dynamic inventory on aws& creating new server instance.
  • Configuring web-servers
  • Application deployment with ansible
  • About ansible roles &provisioners.
  • About ansible



  • introduction to ELK
  • Installation and Configuration of File beat
  • installation and Configuration of Elastic Search
  • installation and configuration of kibana
  • Analyzing and Troubleshooting


  • Introduction to Nagios
  • Configuring Nagios Server
  • Adding Remote Hosts
  • Analyzing and Troubleshooting